Connecting Sequencers

Currently RODEOS has support for Illumina sequencing machines only. These sequencers are connected to Windows-based driver computers that write to network shares.

RODEOS uses Windows network shares to expose the landing zones to the sequencing machines. It is best practice to:

  • have one account setup for each sequencing machine as these machines are usually directly accessible to any user who walks up to them,

  • have one network file share for each sequencing machine that is mounted on the machines automatically.

In the case of not being able to configure file mounts through the Windows ActiveDirectory / network file share infrastructure of the organization, a Windows BAT file such as the following one can be used to mount the network share at a given drive (here U:).

Listing 1 File Connect RODEOS.bat
net use /delete u: >nul
net use u: \\<server>\<share> /user:<user>@<domain> <password>

Such files can be placed directly on the Windows Desktop and the instrument operator can connect the network shares before starting the sequencing. RODEOS will move the sequencing data directly after detecting that the sequencing is complete such that persons accessing the instrument can only see the currently run being written (if any). The files used for detection the completion state depending on the instrument model and device software, e.g., RTAComplete.txt for certain combinations.

Adding support for further device types is well possible because of the extensible nature of RODEOS. Support for mass spectometry machines is forthcoming. An evaluation of support for PacBio or Oxford Nanopore sequencing machines will be evaluated but these devices are more tightly integrated with the vendor’s processing software.